blocks and types

Open-source components forapplications that work instantly without setup

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Types provide a standardized way of describing things, and can used by blocks and services

AI Text BlockThe block entity of the AI [generated] text block. See:
Stopwatch BlockThe block entity of the “Stopwatch” block. See:
Minesweeper BlockThe block entity of the "Minesweeper" block. See:
Timer BlockThe block entity for the “Timer” block. See:
Paragraph BlockThe block entity for the “Paragraph” block. See:
Has How-To Block IntroductionContains a How-To Block Introduction See:
Has QueryThe query that something has.
How-To Block StepDefines a single step within a How-To Block. See:
AI Chat BlockThe block entity of the “AI Chat” block. See:
Drawing BlockThe block entity of the “Drawing” block. See:
editBehaviorspoints to properties that will describe a component edit behavior
Video BlockThe block entity for the “Video” block. See:
Shuffle BlockThe block entity of the “Shuffle” block. See:
How-To BlockThe block entity for the "How-To" block. See:
ThingA generic thing
Callout BlockThe block entity for the “Callout” block. See:
Has Map ImageContains an image of a map.
PersonAn extremely simplified representation of a person or human being.
Remote Image FileInformation about an image file hosted at a remote URL.
ContainValues that could be present in this column.
How-To Block IntroductionA short description or precursor that explains the process that’s defined within the How-To block, or defines any preliminary context. It also often describes any pre-requisites necessary for completing the subsequent set of “How-To Block Step”s. See:
Code BlockThe block entity of the “Code” block. See:
Divider BlockThe block entity for the “Divider” block. See:
blocksBlocks Type
Employed ByBeing paid to work for this entity.
AI Chat Request MessageDefines a user-provided request message in an “AI Chat” Block’s thread.
TESTTest Type
Kanban Board BlockThe block entity of the “Kanban Board” block. See:
Incident CommanderAn incident commander (IC) is a person who is responsible for managing all aspects of incident response. This can range from assessing the situation and developing a plan of action to reaching a successful outcome.
stylepoints to properties that will end up as component css-vars
Displays Media FileDisplays this media file.
Has Representative Shuffle Block ItemA link to an arbitrary entity which has an associated representation as a Shuffle Block Item
Has ResponseA reaction or reply to this thing.
Rooted AtWhich column this category information belongs to
Founded ByEstablished, initiated, or created by this entity.
GitHub Project Entity TypeEntity Type for GitHub Project Block
Has AddressContains an address. See:
Rooted AtStarting, originating, or based at this thing.
Has MessageContains this message.
GeneratedGenerated, created, or produced, this thing.
AI Chat Response MessageDefines an AI-generated response message in an “AI Chat” Block’s thread.
Remote FileInformation about a file hosted at a remote URL.
Has How-To Block StepContains a How-To Block step. See:
Followed ByThis thing came after or occurred subsequently.
dataPoints to properties that will end up as component props
Table BlockThe block entity of the "Table" block. See:
Categorical ValueA categorical value is a value that appears or coukd appear one or more times within a categorical column.
Heading BlockThe block entity for the “Heading” block. See:
Has Frequently Asked QuestionContains a frequently asked question defined by a [Frequently Asked Question] entity.
AddressInformation required to identify a specific location on the planet associated with a postal address.
AI Image BlockThe block entity of the AI [generated] image block. See:
CompanyAn extremely simplified representation of a corporate organization.
Countdown BlockThe block entity for the “Countdown” block. See:
Address BlockThe block entity of the “Address” block. See:
Image BlockThe block entity for the “Image” block. See:
Personalised IdentifierReplacement for the old school "email signature" with allll the links and auto referral codes, contact add, blah blah.

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